Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Friday November 16th, 2010

I can hardly believe that it has been 2 months since I posted last. Time gets away from me so easily.

I have been practising a lot more lately. I feel like I have really gotten into a groove with organising my practise schedule, and I am getting so much more done every day. However, in getting so much more organised, and therefore busier with my real life, my internet presence has suffered my limited on-line activities. And while I believe that a strong internet presence is important, I believe that actually living more life and reporting less is better than living less life and reporting more.

I have been investigating the Early Music scene in Europe more and continue to prepare for my extended trip there next Summer.

On Sunday November 7th, Coro had a lovely concert of the music I discussed in my last post. In addition, I performed a duet, "Qui N'a le Cuer" and a trio, "Aspre Fortune", both from the Cyprus Codex (compiled ca.1413 - 1422). I was not only extremely excited to be able to perform these 2 pieces, they, having been 2 of my favorite pieces since I first heard Ensemble P.A.N. perform them, but my own performance was extremely well received.

We will be repeating this concert on November 28th in West Marin.

Today, I have the first rehearsal for a "Messiah" performance. I will be the alto soloist.

7:30 pm
Friday, December 10th
Our Lady of Peace
Santa Clara, CA

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