While I am typically not a political activist, I am aware of what is really going in the world: not the spin Big Business and the news media want me to think about. This article was long but I thought that this excerpt hit the nail on the head in a way that people should notice.
The Chick-fil-A Distraction
Thursday August 2, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of NaturalNews.com
The entire Chick-fil-A fiasco, you see, is a total distraction to keep your hearts and minds occupied while the banksters steal your future. While you're debating the merits of chicken sandwiches versus gay marriage, you are being depopulated with GMOs, chemtrails, vaccines and medications. Your money is being eroded by the Federal Reserve. Your rights are being stripped away by Bush, Obama and whichever globalist puppet occupies the White House next. And believe me, the global controllers don't give a hoot whether you're gay or straight. You're all getting raped, Sandusky-style, regardless of your sexual orientation.
You are all being enslaved, day by day, hour by hour, into a system of total mind control through television programming, subliminal messaging, fabricated news broadcasts and chemical poisoning. You're being inundated with fluoride, radiation, medical imaging scans and food additives. You're being programmed to behave like a robot; to emotionally respond like a five-year-old; to react in a pre-planned manner engineered by the agenda-setters.
You are being lied to about the power of your vote in the upcoming election (all the important choices are already made for you). You are being taught to live INSIDE the box while thinking you're so hip, trendy and cool that you must be outside the box. You're told you can change the world but then you're shoved into a system of runaway consumerism that traps you in a cycle of financial dependence from which you can never escape to accomplish much of anything that really matters.
You are being spoon fed this story on Chick-fil-A (and everything else) precisely because the newsmakers don't want you to have a spare moment to think about the REAL stories that matter: Vaccines are laced with stealth cancer viruses. Statin drugs cause dementia. Virtually all foods are mineral deficient. Vitamin D halts cancer. Consciousness grants you free will. You are a conscious being with unfathomable power if you would only awaken from your slumber.
While you and your neighbor bicker about Chick-fil-A, you're all being equally raked over the coals by the system, get it?
Wake up, people. Stop eating MSG and processed food chemicals. Snap out of your hypnosis and see the real world for a change. Get off those psych meds! You are a conscious, powerful being with the gift of free will. You have the power to change the world. And not by eating a stupid chicken sandwich, either. You're far more valuable than that if you'd only stop allowing yourself to be a willing pawn of the global controllers.
Get the poison out of your body. Detox. Eat superfoods. Get your brain back. And then fight for liberty. Rage against the system. I don't care if you're straight, gay, bi, tri, trans, drag, sex change, tried-it-once, "experimented in college" or whatever. Clear your head and fight for liberty. Our collective future is being crushed by the corporate-government fascist system. Time is running out for food freedom, farm freedom, free speech, internet freedom, medical freedom our Bill of Rights and much more. We don't have time to mess around with chicken sandwich distractions and moronic anti-boycotts that serve up food poisons like some sort of weird Jim Jones final chapter.
Practice authenticity. Tolerance. Liberty. Compassion. Nutrition. Clear-headed thinking. Truth-telling. Humility. Gratitude. Ethical behavior. Spirituality. Prayer. Meditation. Gardening. Creativity. Innovation. Progress. You were granted life by a Creator. You honor that by making your life one worth living.
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